E4 Insurance Services
  • Annuities & Life Insurance

The beauty of it being a company-wide system is anybody can answer the phone and give that advisor the same answer. We are able to provide a consistent advisor experience.

Danielle Zimbrick | Director of Technology Solutions & Marketing Support

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When E4 was in search of the perfect technology fit, they needed more than just an agency management system. They sought a solution that was highly customizable, one that would help them be more efficient and organized. After exploring various options, they chose OneHQ as they found it to be the best agency management system on the market. E4 needed a tool that not only managed their daily tasks but also ensured consistent information flow, providing a single source of truth.


OneHQ stepped in as the all-in-one solution E4 was searching for. By centralizing all their tasks, OneHQ allowed E4 to organize everything in one place. The software facilitated setting follow-ups and synced emails, ensuring everyone was on the same page with every case. This streamlined approach provided E4 with a single source of truth, instilling confidence in having the most updated information. E4 harnessed the power of OneHQ’s reporting tools to send personalized birthday cards to advisors, create targeted email campaign lists, and track advisor attendance for conferences. This level of precision allowed E4 to fine-tune their business exactly where it was needed.

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The implementation of OneHQ resulted in a consistent advisor experience for E4. The reporting capabilities enabled E4's sales team and advisors to track various types of business, receiving automated updates daily, weekly, or monthly, tailored to their preferences. Advisors were delighted with the unparalleled level of service they experienced, often expressing that they had never received such exceptional support before. OneHQ’s tools not only empowered E4 to stand out in the industry but also significantly enhanced their reputation and client relationships, allowing them to help even more agents.

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OneHQ’s Take

At OneHQ, we believe in delivering tools that transform businesses. E4’s story showcases our commitment to reducing busy work and enabling our clients to help more of their clients. By offering highly customizable and efficient solutions, we empower businesses like E4 to exceed expectations. OneHQ’s goal is clear: providing technology and service that sets our clients apart and ensures their success in a competitive landscape.

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